

CARS@PoliTO at Notte dei Ricercatori 2021 event

CARS@PoliTO took part in "Notte dei Ricercatori 2021" (European Researchers' Night 2021) at Castello del Valentino. The student team Squadra Corse DRIVERLESS has shown its autonomous racing prototype.


CARS - Research activities - Annual meeting 2021

On 18th March 2021, PhDs, researchers and fellows had the chance to present their research activities at the traditional annual seminar of CARS Center. This was an unmissable opportunity to share knowledge and learn new skills. 

Squadra Corse DRIVERLESS student team has been estabilished

Squadra Corse DRIVERLESS student team has been estabilished by Politecnico di Torino, with the aim of building a fully autonomous racecar partecipating at Formula Student Driverless. events.


AI tools for automotive

PhD students and research fellows have been glad to have included a large audience in the last seminar which has been held virtually. Please find attached the seminar's slides.


Wireless communication system getting tested on the field for a racing driverless vehicle

Last monday, the group of PhD students involved in the development of the wireless communication and remote telemetry systems for a driverless racing vehicle was on the field.

January 15, 2021

AI tools for automotive

AI tools for Automotive meeting organized by CARS


Seminar "Research activities @ CARS"

Seminar "Research activities @ CARS" - 05/02/2020
Speakers: CARS PhDs and Researchers and Fellows